Hi! I am
The Founder & Head of Content here at ONLY ZOOLOGY

A very warm welcome to the world of Zoology.
For new readers, I am Ronit Dey, a graduate in Zoology and here a Zoo Blogging Scientist, Internet Entrepreneur, along with being a Digital Content Creator.
Yeah! It was almost a year ago that I started this site to help folks like you to better understand Zoology, and now its enriching thousands of readers worldwide each and every month.
At present, it’s me and only me who single-handedly run and maintain this website. And yes, I love doing this for the community of readers who are always eager to search and learn a lot about Zoology.
For me, being a Zoologist, I don’t just like but love to study a lot of things related to Zoology. It’s true that I try to find the art in the study of animals.
This site was created out of a deep passion for the animal kingdom to help students, teachers, and curious learners like you from around the globe to better understand Zoology.
Zoology has always been interesting to me. Nature is just fascinating!