How do wolves greet each other? How do they show affection?
How do wolves greet each other?
Wolves’ way of greeting each other is really very awesome. They will approach each other in a very calm and relaxed way.
A wolf will put its nose to another wolf’s nose and mouth and will press it softly. It can also lick the other one’s nose, mouth, and teeth just in order to show their welcoming lovely greetings.
They can also use their sense of smell to know each other well so that they can perfectly greet each other.
In fact, the way of greetings between wolves who are familiar with one another and those who have never met are probably not the same. So, actually, there are two types of greeting behaviours in wolves.
The first type of greeting behaviour is shown when the wolves are familiar with one another and know each other very well. During this type of greeting behaviour, they will rub each other’s body, touch each other’s nose, and will often lick each other very well.
And, the second type of greeting behaviour is shown to introduce each other if they have never met before so that they can learn more about each other. In doing so, they might first touch each other’s nose and then they are likely to smell the anus and genital region at each other’s back.
Actually, the wolves who have never ever met before will take their first approach by following their wolf-to-wolf introduction for assessing each other.
Sniffing anogenital region by anogenital inspection is their primary way to assess each other through the wolf-to-wolf introduction.
Smelling the anus and genital region is a type of anogenital inspection by wolves. They do so in order to sniff the smell of the pheromones that are released by the various glands of the anogenital region of the wolves to learn more about all of the different types of information such as age, sex, need, mood, and mating eagerness.
It has been seen that the male wolves are more likely to sniff the anogenital region under the tail right away, meaning that they prefer to assess the other wolves by smelling the pheromones first.
While on the other hand, most female wolves initially go for the head by rubbing their noses against the other wolves and then going for anogenital sniffing.
In order to show their intimacy and acceptance during the greeting, they may show crouching, muzzle licking, and tail tucking types of behaviour. This can be perfectly seen in their first type of greeting behaviour i.e when the wolves are familiar with one another.

How do wolves show affection to each other?
The most notable way wolve use to show affection to each other is by softly biting or nibbling each other’s face.
They may also rub their nose, mouth, and ears against the other wolves to show their kind of affection.
Mostly they do this by licking each other’s ear, mouth, and also by rubbing each other’s nose. They do this in the same way as they do while greeting each other.
They are also known to groom each other so well by following various types of behaviours like by bitting the body fur, by licking the anogenital region, by rubbing each other’s tail, by extracting each other’s debris with their teeth.
The most well-known way they do this is by hugging, also called wolf hugging. Wolf hugging is their type of behaviour that they perform by using their mouths to soft nibble and chew on their pack-mates’ faces while gently rubbing their bodies together.
They will also put their limbs on each other while sleeping. They have been also seen to rub each other’s bodies and put their head right on top of the other individual’s neck and back. That’s a great way of showing love and care for each other.
Wolves also make eye contact with each other. It’s their display of trust and affection showing a high degree of attachment.
They do also show their soft bellies which is the most vulnerable part of the body by rolling over. This shows their high degree of trust, relaxation, and overall affection towards their mates and other pack members.
They form a strong bond by sleeping close and touching each other very often. This can be well seen in mating pairs.
They will also make quiet whining sounds along with licking and nibbling each other’s face and body, and also by bumping their bodies together. This can also be well seen in mating pairs.
Wolves also show affection and care by walking pressed close to each other. They may even sleep side-by-side holding each other.
Mating pairs can show love by tossing and tilting each other’s heads, and also by laying the legs over each other’s bodies mainly over the neck portion.
How can you tell if a wolf is happy?
The first indication that you will get in order to tell if a wolf is happy is by looking at its tail. If a wolf is happy it will most probably wag its tail (move to and fro rapidly) by holding it straight high.
A high and waggy tail is the main indication that the wolf is happy, and the reasons for its happiness may vary extensively.
It is much more likely to seamlessly move around by softly jumping and playing with the pack mates.
It may also cavort, romp, or run around, or may even lean by placing the front of its body down to the ground while keeping its rear part high while wagging its tail.
They will have soft excitement-filled eyes and eyelids. They will also blink softly while making quiet whining sounds if they wish to.
They will also indicate their kind of happiness and playful mood by showing loose and floppy ears for the timing.
Happy wolves will also show a partly opened mouth making some teeth visible, but not as it does during an aggressive mood.
The tongue is most likely to hang out of the mouth while the animal is softly breathing to show its relaxed and happy posture.
It may also show a loose, soft, and wiggly body indicating that it is happy, relaxed, and healthy.
Healthy, and happy adult wolves usually sleep very often. And, by waking up in the middle of their sleep they may also nibble each other’s mouth and nose while gently rubbing or pressing their bodies against each other.
They will also show their soft bellies by rolling over to their pack mates. Their bellies are the softer and most vulnerable part of the body.
What does it mean when a wolf licks its lips?
If a wolf licks another wolf’s lips then it is showing its greetings, affection, happiness, and care to the other wolf.
And, if a wolf licks its own lips then it is worried, confused, fearful, dangered, and stressed out due to something unusual or unwanted that has happened or is going to happen.
By licking their own lips they indicate that they are stressed or uncomfortable by usually sending the message that they are worried.
Usually, it has been noticed that when wolves lick their lips, they are expressing an unspoken language rooted in the survival of living with a pack.
Their licking can indicate upcoming danger to their pack by other intruding wolves who may try to take over the pack and the territory.
Mother wolf may often lick her lips in order to indicate that she is worried and concerned about the survival of her pups in fear of getting killed by other wolves or other animals.
When they lick their lips they indicate that they need some peace in their own private space.
Also that they are confused and frustrated, stressed and uncomfortable, and that they may be sick and sad, or also may be due to their painful toleration of the various dental diseases, mouth pain, or other health-related issues.
Maybe they can also use their tongue to clean any debris or foodstuffs sticking to their nose and mouse part, that is they can use it for simple cleaning purposes as well.
They do have an amazing sense of smell which is far stronger than dogs. So, if a wolf finds something smelling good or pungent, it will often prompt a wolf to lick its mouth and nose part using its own tongue.
What is a learned behavior of a wolf?
As wolves live in packs so they are very social animals. So, after birth, they learn various things from their pack mates and adjust their behavioural patterns according to that.
They acquire learned behaviours by discovering all new things in their environment through trial, error, and observation.
Some of the learned behaviours of a wolf can be like howing at certain times of the day when other pack members start to howl, learning how an alpha wolf acts and adjust itself to that, and many other behaviours.
The difference between learned behavior and innate behaviour is that innate behaviour is one that the animals have acquired and have learned naturally of their own after birth without anyone teaching them.
While learned behaviour is one that the animals have discovered and have learned after their birth through various trials, errors, and observations during their lifetime.
So, for a wolf, it naturally knows and will always behave like a flesh-eating animal and will go for a hunt to have its meal. So, it’s their innate behaviour.
But the way a wolf hunts in order to kill its prey is learned from his mother and other pack mates after following various trails, errors, and overall observations.
So, here, in this case, the use of the various body parts by a wolf in order to greet, show some love and happy feeling to other wolves is an innate behaviour and so is natural from birth.
But, the way an individual wolf does it may be a bit different from another wolf, and this little difference is due to the various learned behaviours that the animals have acquired over time.