50+ Cell Biology MCQs On – Prokaryotic Cells

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1. Which of the following statements is true about prokaryotic cells?

  • a) They contain a nucleus
  • b) They have membrane-bound organelles
  • c) They lack a well-defined nucleus
  • d) They have a complex system of endomembranes
  • Answer: c) They lack a well-defined nucleus

2. Which of the following structures is present in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Mitochondria
  • b) Endoplasmic reticulum
  • c) Golgi apparatus
  • d) Ribosomes
  • Answer: d) Ribosomes

3. Which of the following structures is responsible for the generation of energy in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Chloroplasts
  • b) Nucleus
  • c) Mitochondria
  • d) Golgi apparatus
  • Answer: c) Mitochondria

4. What is the function of the cell wall in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) To regulate the entry and exit of substances
  • b) To protect the cell from mechanical damage
  • c) To control the movement of the cell
  • d) To produce ATP
  • Answer: b) To protect the cell from mechanical damage

5. Which of the following structures is found in some prokaryotic cells and not in others?

  • a) Flagella
  • b) Mitochondria
  • c) Nucleus
  • d) Endoplasmic reticulum
  • Answer: a) Flagella

6. What is the shape of most prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Round
  • b) Square
  • c) Rectangular
  • d) Rod-shaped
  • Answer: d) Rod-shaped

7. What is the function of pili in prokaryotic cells?


  • a) To protect the cell from mechanical damage
  • b) To regulate the entry and exit of substances
  • c) To transfer genetic material between cells
  • d) To produce ATP
  • Answer: c) To transfer genetic material between cells

8. Which of the following structures is responsible for the synthesis of proteins in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Ribosomes
  • b) Mitochondria
  • c) Chloroplasts
  • d) Nucleus
  • Answer: a) Ribosomes

9. Which of the following statements is true about the DNA in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) It is located in a well-defined nucleus
  • b) It is circular in shape
  • c) It is associated with histone proteins
  • d) It is present in multiple copies
  • Answer: b) It is circular in shape

10. Which of the following structures is responsible for the movement of prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Mitochondria
  • b) Flagella
  • c) Pili
  • d) Ribosomes
  • Answer: b) Flagella

11. What is the function of the plasma membrane in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) To protect the cell from mechanical damage
  • b) To regulate the entry and exit of substances
  • c) To control the movement of the cell
  • d) To produce ATP
  • Answer: b) To regulate the entry and exit of substances

12. Which of the following structures is responsible for the production of ATP in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Chloroplasts
  • b) Mitochondria
  • c) Ribosomes
  • d) Nucleus
  • Answer: b) Mitochondria

13. Which of the following is not a characteristic of prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Lack of a well-defined nucleus
  • b) Presence of membrane-bound organelles
  • c) Small size
  • d) Presence of ribosomes
  • Answer: b) Presence of membrane-bound organelles

14. Which of the following structures is responsible for the synthesis and modification of lipids in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Endoplasmic reticulum
  • b) Golgi apparatus
  • c) Mitochondria
  • d) None of the above
  • Answer: d) None of the above

15. Which of the following statements is true about prokaryotic cells?

  • a) They have linear DNA
  • b) They lack cell walls
  • c) They reproduce through binary fission
  • d) They are generally larger than eukaryotic cells
  • Answer: c) They reproduce through binary fission

16. What is the function of the nucleoid in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) To control the movement of the cell
  • b) To regulate the entry and exit of substances
  • c) To store genetic material
  • d) To produce ATP
  • Answer: c) To store genetic material

17. Which of the following structures is responsible for the detoxification of harmful substances in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Mitochondria
  • b) Peroxisomes
  • c) Lysosomes
  • d) Nucleus
  • Answer: b) Peroxisomes

18. Which of the following structures is responsible for the uptake of nutrients in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Ribosomes
  • b) Flagella
  • c) Pili
  • d) Cell membrane
  • Answer: d) Cell membrane

19. Which of the following statements is true about prokaryotic cells?

  • a) They lack genetic material
  • b) They are found only in multicellular organisms
  • c) They do not undergo cell division
  • d) They have a simple structure
  • Answer: d) They have a simple structure

20. What is the function of the cytoplasm in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) To protect the cell from mechanical damage
  • b) To store genetic material
  • c) To regulate the movement of the cell
  • d) To carry out metabolic processes
  • Answer: d) To carry out metabolic processes

21. Which of the following structures is responsible for maintaining the shape of prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Cell membrane
  • b) Cell wall
  • c) Nucleoid
  • d) Ribosomes
  • Answer: b) Cell wall

22. Which of the following structures is responsible for the storage of nutrients and waste products in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Vacuole
  • b) Mitochondria
  • c) Chloroplasts
  • d) None of the above
  • Answer: d) None of the above

23. Which of the following statements is true about prokaryotic cells?

  • a) They are only found in animals
  • b) They are multicellular organisms
  • c) They lack membrane-bound organelles
  • d) They have a complex structure
  • Answer: c) They lack membrane-bound organelles

24. Which of the following structures is responsible for the synthesis of cell wall components in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Mitochondria
  • b) Chloroplasts
  • c) Ribosomes
  • d) Enzymes
  • Answer: d) Enzymes

25. What is the function of the capsule in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) To protect the cell from mechanical damage
  • b) To regulate the entry and exit of substances
  • c) To control the movement of the cell
  • d) To protect the cell from the immune system
  • Answer: d) To protect the cell from the immune system

26. Which of the following statements is true about prokaryotic cells?

  • a) They are larger than eukaryotic cells
  • b) They are more complex than eukaryotic cells
  • c) They lack membrane-bound organelles
  • d) They are only found in plants
  • Answer: c) They lack membrane-bound organelles

27. What is the function of the mesosome in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) To produce ATP
  • b) To control the movement of the cell
  • c) To regulate the entry and exit of substances
  • d) Its function is still unknown
  • Answer: d) Its function is still unknown

28. Which of the following structures is responsible for the production of ribosomes in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Nucleoid
  • b) Cell membrane
  • c) Nucleus
  • d) None of the above
  • Answer: a) Nucleoid

29. Which of the following statements is true about prokaryotic cells?

  • a) They are multicellular organisms
  • b) They have a well-defined nucleus
  • c) They lack cytoplasm
  • d) They reproduce asexually
  • Answer: d) They reproduce asexually

30. Which of the following structures is responsible for the degradation of cellular waste in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Mitochondria
  • b) Lysosomes
  • c) Peroxisomes
  • d) Nucleus
  • Answer: b) Lysosomes

31. Which of the following statements is true about the plasma membrane of prokaryotic cells?

  • a) It is composed of a phospholipid bilayer
  • b) It is a rigid structure that does not allow for the movement of substances in and out of the cell
  • c) It contains many membrane-bound organelles
  • d) It is found only in eukaryotic cells
  • Answer: a) It is composed of a phospholipid bilayer

32. Which of the following structures is responsible for the movement of prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Cilia
  • b) Flagella
  • c) Microvilli
  • d) Pili
  • Answer: b) Flagella

33. Which of the following statements is true about prokaryotic cells?

  • a) They are more diverse than eukaryotic cells
  • b) They are all unicellular organisms
  • c) They lack a cell wall
  • d) They are only found in bacteria
  • Answer: a) They are more diverse than eukaryotic cells

34. Which of the following structures is responsible for the synthesis of proteins in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Ribosomes
  • b) Nucleus
  • c) Endoplasmic reticulum
  • d) Golgi apparatus
  • Answer: a) Ribosomes

35. Which of the following statements is true about prokaryotic cells?

  • a) They are unable to carry out photosynthesis
  • b) They do not require oxygen for respiration
  • c) They have a more complex structure than eukaryotic cells
  • d) They are only found in animals
  • Answer: b) They do not require oxygen for respiration

36. Which of the following structures is responsible for the attachment of prokaryotic cells to surfaces?

  • a) Flagella
  • b) Pili
  • c) Capsule
  • d) Cell wall
  • Answer: b) Pili

37. Which of the following statements is true about prokaryotic cells?

  • a) They lack genetic material
  • b) They do not contain enzymes
  • c) They have a well-defined nucleus
  • d) They are able to carry out photosynthesis
  • Answer: d) They are able to carry out photosynthesis

38. Which of the following structures is responsible for the regulation of gene expression in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Nucleus
  • b) Mitochondria
  • c) Ribosomes
  • d) Operons
  • Answer: d) Operons

39. Which of the following statements is true about prokaryotic cells?

  • a) They are only found in multicellular organisms
  • b) They are unable to carry out cellular respiration
  • c) They lack membrane-bound organelles
  • d) They have a more complex structure than eukaryotic cells
  • Answer: c) They lack membrane-bound organelles

40. Which of the following structures is responsible for the storage of genetic material in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Nucleus
  • b) Mitochondria
  • c) Ribosomes
  • d) Nucleoid
  • Answer: d) Nucleoid

41. Which of the following is NOT a component of the prokaryotic cell wall?

  • a) Lipids
  • b) Proteins
  • c) Carbohydrates
  • d) Nucleic acids
  • Answer: d) Nucleic acids

42. What is the primary function of the prokaryotic cell wall?

  • a) To regulate the entry and exit of materials
  • b) To provide support and shape to the cell
  • c) To synthesize proteins and other molecules
  • d) To store genetic information
  • Answer: b) To provide support and shape to the cell

43. Which of the following is a common component of the prokaryotic cell wall?

  • a) Cellulose
  • b) Chitin
  • c) Peptidoglycan
  • d) Starch
  • Answer: c) Peptidoglycan

44. Gram-negative bacteria have a thinner peptidoglycan layer than gram-positive bacteria and also have an additional outer membrane containing:

  • a) Proteins
  • b) Carbohydrates
  • c) Lipids
  • d) Nucleic acids
  • Answer: c) Lipids

45. Which of the following is responsible for the acid-fast staining property of certain bacteria, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis?

  • a) Peptidoglycan
  • b) Lipopolysaccharides
  • c) Mycolic acids
  • d) Teichoic acids
  • Answer: c) Mycolic acids

46. The cell walls of archaea are composed of:

  • a) Cellulose
  • b) Chitin
  • c) Peptidoglycan
  • d) Unique lipids and proteins
  • Answer: d) Unique lipids and proteins

47. Which of the following is a function of the prokaryotic cell wall in addition to providing structural support?

  • a) Regulating gene expression
  • b) Facilitating cellular respiration
  • c) Preventing dehydration
  • d) Transporting molecules in and out of the cell
  • Answer: c) Preventing dehydration

48. Which of the following antibiotics works by inhibiting peptidoglycan synthesis in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Penicillin
  • b) Tetracycline
  • c) Streptomycin
  • d) Erythromycin
  • Answer: a) Penicillin

49. Some bacteria are able to evade the host immune system by modifying their cell wall with:

  • a) Fatty acids
  • b) Glycans
  • c) Phospholipids
  • d) Capsular polysaccharides
  • Answer: d) Capsular polysaccharides

50. Which of the following is NOT a function of the prokaryotic cell wall?

  • a) Providing a barrier to protect the cell from the environment
  • b) Facilitating cell-to-cell communication
  • c) Maintaining cell shape and integrity
  • d) Anchoring proteins to the cell surface
  • Answer: b) Facilitating cell-to-cell communication

51. In addition to the peptidoglycan layer, some gram-positive bacteria have an outer layer composed of:

  • a) Lipids
  • b) Carbohydrates
  • c) Proteins
  • d) Teichoic acids
  • Answer: d) Teichoic acids

52. Which of the following bacteria lack a cell wall?

  • a) Gram-positive bacteria
  • b) Gram-negative bacteria
  • c) Mycobacteria
  • d) Mycoplasmas
  • Answer: d) Mycoplasmas

53. Which of the following is a type of bacterial cell wall that lacks peptidoglycan and is instead composed of glycoproteins?

  • a) S-layer
  • b) Lipopolysaccharide layer
  • c) Capsule
  • d) Fimbriae
  • Answer: a) S-layer

54. The gram stain is a laboratory technique that is used to differentiate bacteria based on differences in their:

  • a) Cell size
  • b) Ribosomal RNA content
  • c) Cell wall structure
  • d) Cytoplasmic content
  • Answer: c) Cell wall structure

55. Prokaryotic cell walls are important targets for antibiotics because they:

  • a) Are essential for bacterial growth and survival
  • b) Are easily disrupted by chemical agents
  • c) Play a role in cell-to-cell communication
  • d) Are involved in energy production
  • Answer: a) Are essential for bacterial growth and survival

56. What is the genetic material in a prokaryotic cell?

  • a) DNA only
  • b) RNA only
  • c) Both DNA and RNA
  • d) None of the above
  • Answer: a) DNA only

57. Where is the genetic material located in a prokaryotic cell?

  • a) In the cytoplasm
  • b) In the mitochondria
  • c) In the nucleus
  • d) None of the above
  • Answer: a) In the cytoplasm

58. How is genetic material in prokaryotic cells organized?

  • a) Into chromosomes
  • b) Into nucleosomes
  • c) Into histones
  • d) None of the above
  • Answer: a) Into chromosomes

59. What shape is the genetic material in prokaryotic cells?

  • a) Linear
  • b) Circular
  • c) Square
  • d) None of the above
  • Answer: b) Circular
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